Rents outpacing inflation – Rent rewards for Investors

In Professional help by Jeff OsborneLeave a Comment

Capital growth is the coveted prize sought by most property investors but with rents consistently outpacing inflation, investors in property can also achieve a healthy income. The end goal of …

Perth on a Roll

In Professional help by Jeff OsborneLeave a Comment

Perth tipped by industry leaders to defy national property downturn…Some of Perth’s most prominent property industry figures have forecast that the Western Australian capital will continue to defy the national property price …

Landlord Insurance – Do You Need It?

In Professional help by Jeff OsborneLeave a Comment

These days there’s insurance for, well, just about everything – houses, cars, holidays, pets… Some people hoard insurance like canned food come the apocalypse, others choose to wing it and face the …

Head Versus Heart

In Professional help by Jeff OsborneLeave a Comment

When buying a home, about 90% of your purchasing decision will be based on emotion and only 10% on logic.This is understandable, as your home is where you’ll raise a …

Median Property Prices – Major Cities

In Professional help by Jeff OsborneLeave a Comment

The first quarter of the year has seen Australian dwelling values rise by 2.4%, adding approximately $17,000 to the value of an Australian dwelling.In fact the total value of all …

House Price Forecasts

In Professional help by Jeff OsborneLeave a Comment

Australian house price forecasts.In the medium term, property values will be linked to the extent that our economic recovery affects income, employment, borrowing capacity and credit availability.And underlying long-term fundamentals …

Top Locations

In Professional help by Jeff OsborneLeave a Comment

Top locations to buy property in your state in 2022 While 2022 is likely to be a more “normal” year, property prices will rise strongly in many areas. A round …

Supply and Demand

In Professional help by Jeff OsborneLeave a Comment

Rising property prices are the result of two basic economic concepts: “Supply and Demand” and “Inflation”. However, there is a sub-component of Demand, called “Capacity-to-Pay”, which is often overlooked.Understanding how …

What is Ahead

In Professional help by Jeff OsborneLeave a Comment

Despite all its challenges, the Australian economy expanded 3.4% in Q4 2021,  shifting from a 1.9% fall in Q3.This was the strongest pace of growth since Q3 2020, mainly boosted …

Buying An Investment Property

In Professional help by Jeff OsborneLeave a Comment

Have you set a budget within your means?You may be looking at an investment loan term of 25 or 30 years, depending on the size of the deposit you’ve saved.  …